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Since the launch of the Worker Orientation Module there has been a number of questions from providers, which NDS has sought answers from the Commission.

The Worker Orientation Module is designed to assist providers to being satisfied that the people they engage have a good understanding of what good conduct looks like in the context of supporting NDIS participants.

The Commission has provided the NDS with clarification to these questions, and NDS have summarised this below:

  • Providers registered with the NDIS Commission need to include the module in their orientation and induction process for new workers. This requirement is included in the human resource management standard in the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators.
  • The course is modular and takes approximately 90 minutes to complete in total, and was developed by the NDIS Commission in consultation with the broader disability sector.
  • Existing workers and volunteers can complete the module over time, either individually or in groups.
  • Providers with a large number of employees may prefer to consider a staged approach to allowing workers to complete the module, or to show it to workers in groups to streamline to process and facilitate discussion of answers to scenarios.
  • Workers who complete the module in a group situation could be asked to sign an attendance record or declaration of completion.
  • Workers only need to complete the module once and new workers can indicate on a job application form if they have completed the module.
  • The requirement to undertake the module applies broadly to all workers and people otherwise engaged in the work of providing NDIS-funded supports to participants including employees, key personnel, volunteers, and sub-contractors.
  • A person completing the module as an individual will receive a certificate, which does not expire and is transferable with workers if they change jobs.

If you’d like more information on how HDAA can support providers with NDIS registration, visit our Certification and Verification pages. 

With acknowledgment and thanks to the NDS for the content of this article.

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