Draft Inclusive Brisbane Plan

Brisbane City Council is seeking community feedback on their draft plan for creating an inclusive Brisbane. Feedback is required prior to Friday 15th February 2019. The plan, entitled “A City for Everyone: Draft Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029”  and...

How to make your organisation more inclusive

Did you know as many as one in five Queenslanders has a disability? Every day, some face barriers to participating in their own community. Everyone has a role to play in creating a more inclusive Queensland, whether as an individual, through business or as a member of...

NDS Helpdesk coming soon

National Disability Services (NDS) will be launching the NDS Helpdesk very soon.  This will be a useful online destination for asking NDIS and disability employment related questions. This helpdesk will be available to all NDS members across Australia as well as all...

Victoria’s Reportable Conduct Scheme.

Victorian services providing support to children and young people with disability are required to meet the Child Safe Standards and are subject to Victoria’s Reportable Conduct Scheme. NDS is hosting this workshop to explore the implications of the Standards for...